About Us

U3A Yarra City

Starting in France some 40 years ago, U3A stands for University of the Third Age.  The Third Age refers to the age of active retirement, following the Second Age of employment and the First Age of parental responsibility.

U3A Yarra City is one of the 109 U3As across Victoria. These groups are organised and run by volunteers providing educational, recreational and social programs. Each U3A is organised by and for people who are over 50 years and retired or semi-retired.

Our Mission is to provide opportunities for seniors to learn, teach, share and to give mutual support to each other in a friendly and warm environment, regardless or ethnicity, religion, ability or disability.

We are a lively community of people who seek learning for its own sake and for the satisfaction that it gives. Currently, we have about 450 members. Our activities are based at a range of venues across the City of Yarra.

Our courses and activities are varied: from languages, social issues, literature and play reading, arts activities, dance, walking groups and cycling. Our activities are organised by members, for members. Some talks and forums are provided in partnership with Yarra Libraries and open to the public. Prior qualifications are not required, nor are there exams.

A minimal annual membership fee entitles members to attend as many talks and courses as they wish during the year, depending on availability.


U3A Yarra City is organised by members, for members. We are an incorporated association and have a Committee of Management that meets monthly and is elected by the AGM each November. The Committee’s work is supported by ex-officio members and volunteers.

Our Rules of Association and policies can be viewed on the Policy page.

Committee 2025

  • President: Peter Moore
  • Deputy President: Barry Giddings
  • Secretary: Mary Whelan
  • Treasurer: Hugh Parkes
  • Program Coordinator: Maria Hudson
  • Database Team: Frank Moore
  • Tutor Liaison: Barry Giddings
  • Health and Safety Officer: Barry Giddings
  • Convenor, Publicity and Communications: Peter Moore
  • Membership Officer: Barry Giddings
  • Correspondence: Jan Tinetti
  • Ordinary members: Bob Palmer and Dei Williamson

Ex officio Positions

  • Newsletter: Tina Hocking, Susannah Dax, Lyn Morgan
  • Office Manager: Elizabeth Way
  • Forums Committee: Lyndal McCluggage, Richard Laing, Annie O’Loan


We appreciate the support of:

  • City of Yarra
  • Yarra Libraries
  • U3A Network Victoria
  • Adult Community and Further Education
  • Department of Planning and Community Development
  • Finbar Neighbourhood House
  • Holden Street Neighbourhood House
  • North Carlton Railway Neighbourhood House
  • Richmond Community Learning Centre

What our members say

“The joy is in the discussions: all have such different perspectives and are happy to share their ideas and experiences.” “I loved playing table tennis when I was young, so when U3A offered a group, it was perfect.” “When I retired I thought I need to connect to my local community. U3A provides that”