
Shakespearean Diseases

A fascinating talk about Shakespearean Diseases from Louis Roller to our members, covering: descriptions of social conditions in London at the time, the plethora of illnesses and diseases prevalent in Elizabethan times, and lots of engaging quotes from the Bard.

Shakespearean Diseases

The Seasonal Walks in the Botanical Gardens takes off for 2023

Another wonderful guided walk of Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens. As usual, the volunteer guides provided extraordinary information about plants and, although we’ve now done this activity several times, the gardens are always different and beautiful.

A Walk in the Gardens …

Welcome Lunch

Our Welcome Lunch was a jolly occasion: lovely to meet new members and reconnect with continuing members. Lots of laughter and just good fun!

Meeting old friends and new

Tutors talk about their course

U3A members Susannah Dax and Annie O’Loan were discussing the challenges of organising one’s affairs and making end of life decisions. So, in the best spirit of U3A, and drawing on their expertise as health professionals, they decided to develop a course to explore the issues!

Planning for a Safer Old Age

Galleries and Museums: Revisiting an old favourite!

One of the favourite destinations for our Galleries and Museums group is Australian Galleries in Collingwood. On our first visit for the year we were delighted to have two speakers: Robert Forest, who spoke about the fascinating Japanese wood cuts; and sculptor Philip Noakes. A great start to the year!!

Enjoying the Gallery

Walk and Coffee: There’s walking, there’s talking, and there’s coffee!

The Walk and Coffee group meet every Tuesday in Clifton Hill, and under the careful planning of Peter J Moore, they explore local streets and along the Merri Creek, before tasting the offerings at one of the many local cafes.


Table Tennis is back! February 2023

The table tennis group meets on a Wednesday afternoon at our Stanton St venue for loads of laughs, chatter and some friendly competition.

Let the competition begin!

Melbourne Historic Walk – June 2022

We travel all over Melbourne and sometimes venture into the regions for interesting information about our city and state. After a lot of listening, lunch and a chat are in order.

Enjoying a walk

Cycling Groups

Many of our members love to cycle – and of course Melbourne has plenty of trails beside creeks and through parks, not to mention the Bay. And there’s always a cafe en route!

Enjoying the ride

Eating Out

Good food, good company